Fully Automatic LPG Cylinder Painting Unit with Painting Cabin
- Electronic or Pneumatic controls.
- In line installation.
- High speed.
- The painting cabin frame is manufactured from steel/iron material.
- There is one cylinder post that allows to paint one cylinder at a time.
- Compatible to 5,12,14.2,19,35,47kg cylinders.
- Capacity is 600 cylinders per hour.
- There is a water curtain to absorb the paint particles into the water.
- Three water sprinklers for forming water curtain.
- Water pump with 5 kW ex-proof (Eex d IIB T4) electric motor.
- Forcedly ventilation aspirator, capacity 7500 m3/h with 4 kW ex-proof (Eex d IIB T4) electric motor.
- Ventilation canals from 2mm galvanized steel with pipe bends.
- Steel construction platform for assembling the ventilation aspirator and its motor.
- Three pieces of automatic air less type paint spray pistols.Paint spray pistols are Asturo K81 model.
- Paint pump is Asturo K30 model, 30:1 pneumatic piston pump.
- Paint mixing cauldron with pneumatic mixer.
- Pneumatically working automatic painting machine.
- With pneumatic pistons, valves, command boxes, etc.
- Including shock absorbers and sliding bearings.
- Semi automatic start and automatic working system with emergency stop push buttons.
- Paint drying tunnel with ventilation, 5 meters long manufactured from 2mm galvanized steel.